Well, ...

Hello everybody,


we are fine, we feel great today. The car is almost ready for travel, with some camping stuff and so on. In the last weeks we were hard-working not only on the farm also for the car. We built the bed, bought a lot of materials and did a appointment for an oil-change.

Over easter we don´t work on the farm, we visit our lovely friend Ronda in Briagolong. She was the contact person to get this job :-) and we are looking forward to visit her.

The weather is still good and warm, but it will be cold in the following month´s and we look for opportunities for our next plannings when we finish our work here. We guess and hope we stay here until the end of april.

The family is so friendly and lovely, our boss (his name is David) cleaned my dirty shoes after work because I had cow pooh on my shoes ( two times) :-P or an other story, his father invited us to dinner ... It was very nice and we like it so much to be here!

This little cow on the pic is born last week. Her mother didn´t wanted and David and his brother John tried different things for helping to alive.... we are all glad to see, now, how she eats and runs with other cow´s. we can see every day what they are for good people. 

Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 5
  • #1

    sära (Sonntag, 24 März 2013 08:03)

    Wo ist die peggy die immer "ich werd NIEEEE englisch sprechen lernen" gekräht hat?! :D very well done!!! I am proud of you! Xxx

  • #2

    Mischga (Sonntag, 24 März 2013 10:44)

    Good morning everybody. Cooooool... unser Pegg´schen schreibt nu schon gomblett in Englisch... ach und Saruschi, an den Satz von Peggyleinchen kann ich mich auch erinnern...;)
    Klingt aber echt gut bei euch... passt auf euch auf und wenn ich da wär würd ich euch glatt nen Service am Mitsubishi gratis machen...;)
    Ach und... wir verbringen heute einen Tag mit echten Australiern... vielleicht kennen Sie ja den Ort wo ihr seid genauer bzw. wohnen in der Nähe...;) dicker Drücker... müschaaaaaaa

  • #3

    Lisi (Sonntag, 24 März 2013 19:10)

    Congratulation to your first blog in english.
    Sounds like the knoten is geplatzt :o)
    So now good luck for traveling again, hope you meet more inspired person an get a deeper touch with this wonderful land :-*

  • #4

    Susi *Sonne* (Montag, 25 März 2013 08:40)

    Very Nice Contribution :)

    a basic to learn himself :O
    It all sounds wonderful!!how cold can it ever be with you? For us it is still cold :(
    This is the coldest and longest winter for over 100 years, it can not happen to you.
    You experience exciting things :)WOW!

    have a lot of fun and makes more successfully :*

  • #5

    Lillies short term parents (Donnerstag, 28 März 2013 10:50)

    Now you are kn the right way....
    What goes around comes around...
