Next Chapter without Eddy

Today we write a short new update in english, so can David, Michelle and hopefully all people, which we met in our entire time in Australia, read it.

We sold our van Eddy, yesterday ... everybody was happy, the new owners they are french and a very young couple. We liked they from the first moment and they liked us, so it was quite easy to sell Eddy to them. Now, Kathy and I are with a LOT of luggage, too much actually. We hope we will arrive our new destination with all our stuff and healthy....(Autsch my back:-( ) but anyway, all our stuff is important and yes we need everthing (winterjacket, which we will need just for the next couple weeks probably)...

Some people of you maybe asking why we sold Eddy so early, if we are still staying in Ausralia?! Jep, because we wann see and feel the other side of travelling, without a car is a bit harder, we will walk again every meter and travel with a plain or a bus or a train and also we will travel by a motorbike and hire we will be very flexible and hope especially these new chapter will give us a new view of what means travelling around Australia really! And not to forget, we had Eddy 12months and drove with him incredible 22.000K´s!!!!!And YES we sold him in perfect conditions and have a good and safely feeling to give him away. We are happy with our decision and looking forward to the next chapter of our beautiful time in Australia! :-D

Cheers my friends and big+bigger+biggest hugs for you all and a bbiiggggggg Thank you for having us...we would love you to see all of you again, some day, some places....(germany maybe?)

Without Ronda, David+John, Michelle+Kev,




Carina and many more wouldn´t be sooooo unforgetable, easy and amazing. YOU MADE OUR LIFE HERE BETTER!


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Kommentare: 6
  • #1

    sära (Freitag, 07 März 2014 21:15)

    Hello hello guys,

    so i will try to refresh and wake up my english now. Its so nice to read your message peggy...english, really doesn't matter and i am.very.proud to see this :)

    and you have driven 22.oookm???? Are you serious? Cause thats almost one time around the world!!!! Incredible :))))

    Well i dont know why you want to make your life harder with travelling without eddy but ok :) crazy guys needa crazy expieriences right?!

    So the oppurtunity for sleeping inside of the car is over now...are you going to go to some hostels or something?

    Ok ok rock the party!!!


    Sära :)

  • #2

    outside2012 (Samstag, 08 März 2014 08:22)

    Jep we are crazy sometimes and we need a change, so we had to made a decision, what we want.
    Oh yay, first night tonight in Perth in a hostel...bor is this crab, fuck*ing dirty and of course we are in a dorm room with 2 boys...they seems alright. But the smell...bähhhh now I miss Eddy extremly:-( and it is not a cheap is one of the famous ones...damn it!
    We have to alive 3nights and then should be going better in ...

  • #3

    sära (Samstag, 08 März 2014 09:50)

    The smell of to boys or of the room?! :))))) sorry cant help myself :D

  • #4

    travelmate kathy (Samstag, 08 März 2014 10:17)

    Hahaha the smell :-D
    We could avoid the smell of the guys so far. But actually the smell of the complete hostel, room, bathroom kitchen... ohh damn miss my mate eddy... but anyway it's just for the next 3 days. Can't wait...

  • #5

    outside2012 (Samstag, 08 März 2014 10:26)

    We decided for NO COOKING AND TOUCHING anything in the next days...where is Maccas???!!!:-)

  • #6

    Lisi (Montag, 17 März 2014 08:12)

    I'm so sorry - normally Susi Sonne reminds me to read the blog if there is soemthing new, but she doesn't... so I'm pretty out of date.

    So, der Rest jetzt auf deutsch, sonst sehe ich so abgelenkt aus... also, ich kann sehr gut verstehen wie es sein musste Eddy nach 12 Monaten wieder abzugeben (auch wenn die Nachfolger sehr nett sind). Ich hab bei meinem ertsen Wägelchen geheult, als sie ihn vom Hof geholt haben *R.I.P Franz Ferdinand* Aber ihr habt es euch ja gut überlegt und nun auf zu neuen Erfahrungen ausserhalb des treuen Campers ;-)
    Und noch kurz zum letzten Blog zwecks Housekeeping - an deiner Schnauze, meine liebe Peggy, hat sich ja gar nichts geändert und das macht mich froh - dannbist du uns nicht so fremd wenn ihr hier nach zwei Jahren wieder einreitet :-*

    Hug and kisses to my favorit travellers.